Graduate Scholarships (MAIS, MSIS, M.Ed.)

To apply for a scholarship, complete the following steps-


Go to BOSS, the Bobcat Online Scholarship System.


Complete the BOSS general application


If applicable, search for and complete the specific scholarship application


If applicable, upload required documents (see table below).

Scholarship Deadline Qualifications Required Documents for Upload Amount
Burd-Cook-Springer Scholarship March 31 · Current or transfer student
· Highest GPA
· No action needed to apply - students are automatically matched to this opportunity $1,000
Jane Cappe Research Enhancement Award April 30 · MAIS/MSIS
· Completed a research proposal in OCED 5300
· Unofficial transcript
· Research proposal completed in OCED 5300

The Stories of the Amazing People Behind OWLS Scholarships:

Burd-Cook-Springer Scholarship

Alumni, friends, colleagues, organizations contributed to the Organization, Workforce, & Leadership Studies (OWLS) program to sustain the Burd-Cook-Springer Scholarship to award current and transfer students based on their cumulative GPA.

Jane Cappe Research Enhancement Award

The Jane Cappe Research Enhancement Award was named in honor of a Texas State University- San Marcos MSIS student. Jane completed her MSIS degree while holding both full and part-time jobs. During her time as a graduate student, she became convinced that there was a direct relationship between the effort expended in research and the amount of personal growth and critical skills that resulted. To promote these skills, the award focuses more on the quality of effort in research. The award was named after Ms. Capper because of her personal integrity, scholarship, critical thinking, and pursuit of excellence in the academic and non-academic environment.

Frequently Asked Questions

If you have other questions, please contact