Common FAQ

    • It is individualized to your interests and college credit!
    • Online and Hybrid options!
    • 8 week courses! You are able to balance out your course load.
    • It is geared for the working adult! 
    • BAAS students are primarily non-traditional! 
    • You can receive up to 24 credit hours for your experience in the workforce or life. 
    • OWLS Faculty and Staff are committed to helping you graduate!
    • Flexibility on completing credit!
    1. Contact Admissions for requirements and apply!
    2. Set up an Appointment with a BAAS Academic Advisor
    3. Register for classes!
  • YES! Only Admissions can evaluated previous college credit and code it appropriately on how it will be applied to your degree plan. A BAAS Academic Advisor will then be able to review and provide feedback on potentially how many credits you have remaining to compete.

  • To set up an appointment, please call the Applied Arts Advising Center at 512-245-1490. You will meet with your BAAS advisor either through ZOOM or phone. You may choose your meeting option.

  • Every degree plan is individualized to the student. Each student have different previous college credit, work experiences, and future goals. Your academic advisor will work with you your interests. 

    Common topics that students focus in are: 

    • Business/ Public Relations
    • Leadership-related 
    • Social Services/ Human Relations
    • Healthcare
    • Training & Development
    • Criminal Justice
    • Real Estate
    • Law School Paralegal 
    • Teaching
    • Athletics/Coaching
    • Certified Public Manager 

    Click here to visit courses for each topic!

  • Courses offered by the OWLS Department (CTE & OCED) are offered online. If students need to complete CORE courses or take courses in other departments, delivery methods may vary. Your Academic Advisor will be able to find suitable meeting types for your preference. 

  • You will receive a Bachelors Degree!

    Your major would be Applied Arts & Sciences. 

    This degree is offered by the Department of Organization, Workforce, & Leadership Studies (OWLS). 

    The OWLS Department is within the College of Applied Arts. 

  • Depending on your past college credit, this degree can be completed in a minimum of 3 semesters. 

  • Please email us at

  • Please call or email us! The OWLS Department is able to provide you with answers or resources for any inquiries you may have!


    Main Line: 512-245-2115